Wednesday, October 3, 2012


This is my second-to-last day at this job.

I'm both excited an nervous. I've decided to just completely change my life right now - might as well, you know?

So, fairly soon, I'm going to start P90x Lean with a friend. 13 weeks of proper exercise and losing weight and attempting to be fit. I haven't been properly fit in a while. I'm also going to try and vlog more.

I guess this is some sort of New-Years resolution but in October. October's a good month. Love October. 

So, I have to apply back to Barnes & Noble and figure out a good schedule so I can work and exercise and draw and vlog and record music. Right, I sometimes write songs and do covers so that's a thing I need to do more of.

I'm so ready for this change. I'm tired of being stuck at boring jobs and regretting my life and choices and it's good to be able to go "Oh, hey. I can just fix that." I mean, you've only got one life, might as well do it properly.

Carpe diem and all that.

Oh, sorry. I forgot, this is the 21st century. I meant #YOLO

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