Monday, October 22, 2012

It's Been a While

I was totally going to write this last week but I've been strangely tired as of late. 


New job is very different than what I was expecting. I don't even touch the register, for a start. In fact, I don't even talk to people. (Which is both a blessing and a curse). I mean, it's nice to talk to coworkers because I mean, honestly, work is boring. But, by the same token, I don't have to deal with customers ever. So that's nice.

Basically all I do for 6 hours is organize and reorganize school supplies. Yep. That's it. It's cool because I actually LIKE organizing things. But I finish everything in about 2 - 3 hours. I still need to figure out how to stretch it out for another 3. I'll get there!

I do like this job much better than any of my older jobs combined, though. Stress-free, working at my own pace. And I actually get more hours than I did when I worked at Starbucks. Only downside is sometimes I have to work on the weekends. I normally wouldn't mind, but all of my friends are going "Cosmic Bowling" this weekend.

Cosmic Bowling is like regular bowling. Except all the lights are off except for black lights, so all you can really see are the pins. Why do we even have normal bowling when COSMIC BOWLING EXISTS??

*ahem* Moving on, once football season ends, I should end up having weekends free. I think. 

But yes. Things are looking way, way up and I much prefer this job!

Oh, and apparently I left my last paycheck from April there so now I have free monies. So that's amazing. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

That Was Easy!

So I went to Barnes & Noble a few days ago in hopes to find a job.

I didn't even have to interview.

I worked at the Starbucks inside the bookstore for a year and a half, so I all ready knew all of the managers. I went and talked to the main hiring manager and she just went "You know what? I'm just gonna hire you."

First day is on the 15th. I still haven't moved, yet. But that's okay because I'm moving back to town on Friday. Full day to pack all my stuff. It's not a lot of stuff, so it one day should be fine.

I must say, it is very nice to be back in town. I get to see my boyfriend and all of my friends and now I have time to draw and cook and it's great! Also I am attempting to go get contacts next week. My insurance runs out on the 1st, so I gotta go nab some soon!

In other news, my 11th Doctor costume is almost complete for Halloween! Just have to add the elbow patches to the tweed coat and I'll be finished! Even got the Sonic Screwdriver and everything.

All in all, this has been been a pretty awesome month.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


This is my second-to-last day at this job.

I'm both excited an nervous. I've decided to just completely change my life right now - might as well, you know?

So, fairly soon, I'm going to start P90x Lean with a friend. 13 weeks of proper exercise and losing weight and attempting to be fit. I haven't been properly fit in a while. I'm also going to try and vlog more.

I guess this is some sort of New-Years resolution but in October. October's a good month. Love October. 

So, I have to apply back to Barnes & Noble and figure out a good schedule so I can work and exercise and draw and vlog and record music. Right, I sometimes write songs and do covers so that's a thing I need to do more of.

I'm so ready for this change. I'm tired of being stuck at boring jobs and regretting my life and choices and it's good to be able to go "Oh, hey. I can just fix that." I mean, you've only got one life, might as well do it properly.

Carpe diem and all that.

Oh, sorry. I forgot, this is the 21st century. I meant #YOLO